Sunday, January 25, 2009

Tuesday, January 20th, 2009 ---a historic day! We watched the inauguration of Barack Obama all day in the libraries. Annie called around 2:30-ish. saying her back was hurting in an odd way, and they were going to Bartlesville. She wasn't sure if it was labor... and they had scheduled to induce on Wed. Jan. 21st. When they got to the hospital (after stopping at Sonic and getting a car wash!) it was determined that the baby was in a breech position, so all previous plans were out the window and Andrea had a c-section! Reese Izabella was born at 6:56 pm. weighing 7 lbs. 7 ozs. and was 19 1/2 inches long. She is a beauty! Lance was in the room, but didn't pass out or anything! He is doing all his fatherly duties with no complaints! and of course, big brother Noah is floating on cloud 9 (along with all the grandparents!) What a day!

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