Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Bucket list

My bucket list upon retirement:

Tee shirt quilts for all grandkids in high school

Scrapbooks/photo albums brought up to date

Painting more barn quilts.... my new favorite hobby!

travel to see long lost aunts and uncles, cousins and friends

travel to all the states AND Canada

read ALL the books I have saved for retirement!

give books away as soon as I have read them

So far we went to New Orleans, and other places of interest, Natchitoches, LA and Pass Christian, MS.  Oh, and Arizona in the spring.

I have most of Kaiman's quilt done, just don't know how I want to finish the edges, and some of others cut out.

Have worked hard at the scrapbooks for kids in sports, especially Noah and Taj's since Noah is graduating.

Forgot that most of the summer was spent on painting the house,  hopefully the last time Walt and I will attempt doing that ourselves!

and that's about all folks!

the beginning of a new life....

Retired!  I am now officially retired as of Aug 31, 2016!   There are so many things we have planned to do on retirement, that I now realize was wishful thinking.  First things first, meaning getting house thoroughly cleaned and organized and out with the old/unneccessary 'stuff'.  

I can't believe I was such a hoarder with school stuff.   I hate hate hate throwing things away that someone else could use.  I've given to the Public Library, Little Scholar Preschool, the Genealogical Association, librarian friends across the state, my kids, co-teachers at school, etc. etc.  And still I have too much......

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

State Baseball Champs

Trae at first vs Colgan in state championship, which WE won! woohoo!

Sedan Championshop Baseball!

Our high school boys won the 1A-2A State Baseball championship by beating Pittsburg-Colgan! The baseball team went 26-0 for the season. Trae was the first baseman-- had 20 golden gloves for the season. He scored the tying run in the championship game to put us into overtime AND made an incredible diving catch of a line drive to end the Colgan at-bat. WOW! Kinda good lookin' too!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Christmas has come and gone. The new year is here. Hard to believe I've lived 58+ years. Been married nearly 40 years. Have kids in their thirty's and two teenaged grandchildren and five more younger ones. Where has time gone, and why did I waste so much of it?

What would I have done different. There are lots of things I wish for now (like wealth, or at least to be a little more confortable when planning for retirement). BUT the things I would of had to do to make more money, would go against my principals that kept me doing what I have done.

shoulda, woulda, coulda....

Sunday, July 19, 2009

5-1/2 months old


Noah's light saber? Nope, just a lucky shot by G-ma.