Sunday, July 19, 2009

5-1/2 months old


Noah's light saber? Nope, just a lucky shot by G-ma.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

More pix

Summer fun with the Fam! All the kids are here, some for just a week. Here are pictures of them doing their favorite activities.....

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Kinda getting behind on my posts. We survived Spring Break! Andrea had the idea to go to KC and stay at Great Wolf Lodge for Noah's birthday. It was kid-heaven! Grandparent-heaven? not really, but it was fun seeing Noah and his friend Jeremy do all the things to do.

At 2 months+, Baby Reese had a good time too, got to see lots of relatives she had never met before, and Grandma Kathy and Grandpa Roger again. She had been in Children's Baptist hospital in OKC the weekend before with RSV! We were surprised and worried, but glad she recuperated quickly. Annie is now back to work, Reese has settled in at the babysitter's easily. She really loves being held by anyone, and will take a bottle well. She's really just an easy-going baby!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Reese modeling the quilt her great-aunt made her. She's two weeks old here. Now she's three weeks old and isn't sleeping so much....

newest pix

Reese is now two weeks old! What a pretty baby!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Lance and the adoring women at the baby shower last week!
That was a hoot! They had told Mr. Hills to call him to the district office at 3:30 (same time he has basketball practice --AND he hadn't had it for a whole week due to two snow days). Anyway, for some reason they had the secretary call him at 2p.m. to be at the office at 3:30. Well, he freaked! He went to look for Mr. Hills immediately! worried to pieces! Thank goodness had the soundness of mind to tell him what was going on! It's funny now, but he was pretty worked up!
Reese got lots of really neat things, her first basketball, her first doll, a bathrobe and enough clothes for two girls! What a spoiled baby!
BTW check out that special birthmark on her forehead!
Other picture is of Big Brother Noah and Cousin Taj with Reese.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Tuesday, January 20th, 2009 ---a historic day! We watched the inauguration of Barack Obama all day in the libraries. Annie called around 2:30-ish. saying her back was hurting in an odd way, and they were going to Bartlesville. She wasn't sure if it was labor... and they had scheduled to induce on Wed. Jan. 21st. When they got to the hospital (after stopping at Sonic and getting a car wash!) it was determined that the baby was in a breech position, so all previous plans were out the window and Andrea had a c-section! Reese Izabella was born at 6:56 pm. weighing 7 lbs. 7 ozs. and was 19 1/2 inches long. She is a beauty! Lance was in the room, but didn't pass out or anything! He is doing all his fatherly duties with no complaints! and of course, big brother Noah is floating on cloud 9 (along with all the grandparents!) What a day!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Cheester scores! He had 15 points in the game Sat. 1/10/09
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Friday, January 2, 2009

Jax, the computer whiz & the Beaston boy. Whew! What a pair!

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Zena the Warrior Princess.... well, OUR family version.
The Princess and her BFFs. Notice the dead chicken necklace, she got that as MVP of the West Elk basketball game.
Trae's looking fine in a basketball game. He's getting a lot of varsity time, even though he's just a freshman.